A photo collage of PresetLove's Arctic Silver bright landscape Lightroom preset

Arctic Silver

Arctic Silver is a premium Lightroom preset that we specifically designed for cold mountain landscapes. It enhances both the look and feel of frigid regions. It may be an arctic scenery or a stunning view of a gray mountain range. You will instantly notice the beautiful silver motif on bodies of water and the sky.

Collection: Landscape Presets, Travel Presets
Best for: Hiking Photos, Mountains, Bodies of Water
Style: Silver, Muted Cool Colors

We designed Arctic Silver to produce cool tones and mellow colors. It is also a mix of complex brightening adjustments. All of these combine to give your photos a dramatic and majestic atmosphere.

You have to try this professional preset on your travel or hiking photos! It will definitely help you highlight the awe-inspiring views and your entire adventure.

What’s more, you can even use it as a unique Instagram filter that would give your entire feed a unified or cohesive look. Simply look at the attractive aesthetic that it applies to multiple images, like on our collage above.

Arctic Silver is one of the premium presets included in our Premium Landscape Collection.
Click here to get it! ❤️

Lightens Tone to Create a Cold Silver Aesthetic

A man on top of a bright mountain landscape, with snowy white peaks in the background

Bright and Light. We applied several tonal adjustments to this preset so we can achieve soft yet bright whites. Examine the After photo above, for example: notice how these settings help set the motif of the entire preset. Pay attention to the originally dark regions and how Arctic Silver softens them. They are now lighter, as though more illuminated. Try to also notice how the effect transforms the entire mood and atmosphere.

As this is a preset specifically designed for landscapes, we also make sure that the light regions wouldn’t wash out details. You can still appreciate the natural textures of mountain landscapes.

Neutralizes Colors for an Icy Feel

A bright photo of a person standing at the edge of a protruding cliff, with a landscape Lightroom preset applied

Cold Whites. To give a unified look, we lower the saturation and vibrance of colors across the board, but at varying levels. This means that they are pulled towards grey tones, closer to monochrome. We fine-tune this setting even further later on when we tinker with the HSL panel and camera calibration.

If you look at the example above, you will easily notice the desaturation. Try to compare the Before and After images: the grasslands, lake, and sky.

We also complement Arctic Silver’s muted hues with moderate contrast. This goes well with the overall soft yet bright aesthetic.

A photo of a woman sitting at a wooden platform, looking at a mountain range

Lightened Shades. We get to the nitty-gritty here: we refine all the previous color settings to make sure that they look balanced and natural. After all, we want your landscapes to look natural despite the color alternations.

Under camera calibration, we set how the photo itself is processed, down to the pixel. Both warm and cool colors are converted to lighter shades.

These adjustments go with Arctic Silver’s brightened luminance levels, too. By adding more light, hues are drawn closer to whites — this neutralizes any harsh lighting or overly yellow sunlight.

Converts Blue Tones to Cooler Aqua Hues

An enhanced landscape photo of a boat in a lake, with a mountain range in the background, using a landscape Lightroom preset by PresetLove

Muted Blues. This is the preset’s most prominent feature. You can even identify it just by looking at the sky and bodies of water. They lose the blue tones and instead take on light aqua hues. The brilliance is notable as well.

We secure the aqua motif by keeping all its shades deep and moderately saturated. This is why you can still notice the beautiful, accentuating, aqua hues in the resulting landscape photo above.

Arctic Silver is one of the premium presets included in our Premium Landscape Collection.
Click here to get it! ❤️

Arctic Silver landscape preset is for Lightroom Mobile, Desktop, and…

You can absolutely use Arctic Silver as is, right out of the box. With any preset, you might need to make adjustments to accommodate your specific camera, settings, lighting, and subject matter. We have more breathtaking landscape Lightroom presets for you in our full collection here.

  • Entirely Adjustable
  • Compatible with Lightroom 4, 5, 6 and CC
  • Performs with both PC, Mac, and Mobile
  • Applicable to both RAW and JPG images

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