We love seeing what you do with our presets! If you use them, be sure to tag us on Instagram @presetlovefree. We might feature you, too!
How Photographers Use Our Presets
“Your Brightening preset is just perfect for this image! Thanks for sharing it.“
– i.do.note
Expert photo editor i.do.note integrates PresetLove presets in his digital art.
“I love the Vintage Pop preset because it provides that extra touch that makes classic axes look even better.”
– Johnny T
Johnny T is an expert photographer and axe enthusiast and he runs the website Ancient Path Workshop. He used our Vintage Pop preset on one of his axe photos.
“I love traveling. This preset gives the authentic feel and vibrance of the photo.”
– rjayatanacio
Rjay photographs scenic views in his travels and captures the culture of every locale he goes to. Here is an image he captured in Macau that he enhanced using the Perfect View preset.
“My inspiration for editing was really old protest photos. So I wanted something grainy and faded that would feel like it’s from a long time ago . . .”
– streetscout
Sabrina Fenster use our Vintage BW to enhance and underscore the significance of her photojournalistic capture. This was taken at the Black Lives Matter protest in Vancouver, Canada.
“By using this preset, a normal shot got converted into an incredibly stunning photo. Thanks for making it available for free for us.”
– ankitgagan
Photographer ankitgagan uses the Crisp Mountins preset to bring out the landscape’s tones and textures.
“I like to use Chocolate Matte to emphasize the subject at the center and to add softer, calmer, hues. . .”
– endo_traveler
Travel photographer, endo_traveler, uses the Chocolate Matte preset on both portraits and landscapes whenever he wants a calm and soft look for his photos. He also applies it to draw attention to his subject.