Brush Presets

Strong Reveal free Lightroom preset brush applied on a dim photo of trees

Strong Reveal Brush

Install instructions: Open Lightroom and go into your Preferences (on a Mac, click on the Lightroom tab in the header,...

A woman's close up portrait enhanced by a free Lightroom brush preset

Porcelain Brush

Install instructions: Open Lightroom and go into your Preferences (on a Mac, click on the Lightroom tab in the header,...

A photo of a flower with the background blurred by a free Lightroom preset brush

Background blur

Install instructions: Open Lightroom and go into your Preferences (on a Mac, click on the Lightroom tab in the header,...

Free Lightroom Presets

Landscape Brush

Install instructions: Open Lightroom and go into your Preferences (on a Mac, click on the Lightroom tab in the header,...

Free Lightroom Presets

Sky Brush

Install instructions: Open Lightroom and go into your Preferences (on a Mac, click on the Lightroom tab in the header,...

Brush Free Lightroom Presets

Reveal Brush

Install instructions: Open Lightroom and go into your Preferences (on a Mac, click on the Lightroom tab in the header,...

Free Lightroom Presets

Enhanced Brush

Install instructions: Open Lightroom and go into your Preferences (on a Mac, click on the Lightroom tab in the header,...

Free Lightroom Presets

Brightened Detail Brush

Install instructions: Open Lightroom and go into your Preferences (on a Mac, click on the Lightroom tab in the header,...