Free Lightroom Presets

Brightened Detail Brush

Install instructions:

  1. Open Lightroom and go into your Preferences (on a Mac, click on the Lightroom tab in the header, and on a Windows machine, click on Edit then Preferences).
  2. On the Preferences screen, select the Presets tab.
  3. Click on the box that says “Show Lightroom Presets Folder”.
  4. Double click on the Lightroom folder.
  5. Double click on the Local Adjustments Presets Folder.
  6. Copy your Preset Love Brush Preset into the Local Adjustments Presets Folder.
  7. Restart Lightroom.
  8. Enjoy your new Lightroom Brush Presets!

Free Lightroom Preset by Roz de-Layen Vian